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Fish Kabab

20/08/2002 18:17



Fish (1 kg),

2 boneless and skinned lemons,

Coriander leaves (12 cups),

4 well chopped green chilies,

1 teaspoon cumin (well chopped), 1 White teaspoon black pepper (roasted and ground),

Freshly ground 1 teaspoon red chili powder

Eggs (2),

Trodden. Bread crumbs

Vinegar (1 tablespoon )


Oil for frying.

1. Rinse the pieces of fishes with garlic and salt. Then put the fish pieces on a burning saucepan on low heat and spray vinegar on them. Remove the moisture completely and keep it in a cool place away from the hot saucepan.
2. Mix well after adding all the spices including the fresh green chilies and coriander.
3. Separate the mixture into equal pieces (about 1820).
4. Make 1/2 inch thick flat round shapes.
3. Plunge the fish kabobs first into the egg and then into the bread crumbs.
4. Fry it in hot oil. Drain it using kitchen paper towel.
5. Serve them immediately.


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